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1. november 2010 kl. 19:10
Hei, skapbloggarar.
Det stundar mot jul (iallfall ifølgje handelsstanden) - og seinaste fjøra som fall frå "sensurheksa" var ærleg meint! Det har vore dundrande stille her lenge, så eg oppmodar med dette "mafiaen" (he he...) til å få i gang att litt liv og leik på denne sida. Som sagt var det ikkje meininga å knuse skrivegleda for folket, så det hadde vore kjekt å sjå litt action her att. Ønskjer med dette alle ei god førjulstid - og håper at dei fleste av dykk er minst like skrivekåte som før - og at det vert mange morosame innslag fram mot jul - og så vidare og vidare og endå vidare... Ønskjer også vevmeistaren lukke til med hus og heim - og det han ellers må pusse opp.
Førjulshelsing frå Sognajenta i Stavanger.


5. november 2010 kl. 10:27
I samband med den pågåande fornyingi av verstasjonen på Voll lurer eg på om målemeistaren har vurdert å setja opp ein ammoniakksniffar? Tenk om nokon sit på Ostebaren i 2050 og diskuterer om gyllelufti var verre før og at du ikkje har svaret...


5. november 2010 kl. 16:39
De brinnj!!!

Shari Paget
Waldo, KS USA

11. november 2010 kl. 4:54
Hello. My name is Shari and the reason why I found your site is because I was searching for information about Vik, Norway. My family is originally from Vik. You mentioned that many Norwegians immigrated to the U.S. in the 1800's. My family on my mother's side was one of those families. In fact, as I browsed your site, I found the word Stadheim. My great-grandmother's name was Martha Stadem (I think they changed the spelling after coming to America). Her parents were born in Norway. She married my great-grandfather, Andrew Vorseth, who was born in Norway too. I don't think that he was from Vik though. He actually lived in Norway, whereas Martha's parents emigrated to the U.S. I believe she was born in the U.S. If you know any more about my family, I'd love to hear from you. Your site is very informative and interesting. I would someday love to visit Vik, but I doubt I will ever get to. By the way, your English is very good.

I have a question. Your site indicates that Stadheim is a farm. Is it also a place, like a county or township? Did people take the names of places as surnames? I just want to know why Stadheim and Stadem are so alike. Is it possible that my great-grandmother's family lived on the Stadheim farm?

Shari Paget
Waldo, KS USA

11. november 2010 kl. 23:25
The following is a copy/pasted account of my Great-great Grandparents who emigrated to the United States. Their daughter was Martha Stadem.

Sjur/Syvert Olsen Stadheim b: 18 Dec 1829 in Stadheim in Vik, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway d: 17 May 1908 in Dixon Twp, Hamlin Co, SD
+Oline Madsdatter Vikoren b: 27 Dec 1833 in Vikoren/Vikoyri in Vik, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway m: 29 Dec 1857 in Hove Stone Church, Vik, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway d: 30 Apr 1911 in Dixon Twp, Hamlin Co, SD

Scott Setran
Nebraska USA

28. november 2010 kl. 18:49
Great website!

It is very interesting to see the weather and daily pictures from Vik. My Great grandfather was a Ships Captain from Vik.His name was Sjur Kolbeinson-Menes. I am very interested in the history of the Region clear back to the mound burial culture, that arose there in ancient times.

I still have distant relatives living in Bergen, and hope someday my finances will permit me to visit the Town of Vik. Again, AWESOME web site!

Thank you very much for providing such a interesting link!


30. november 2010 kl. 12:57
Norway is a beautiful country. Unsharp Mask for PHP working on my site. Thanks! Click button: [Add] and "+foto"