3. juli 2004 kl. 22:35 |
Alt til si tid! Eg tenkte det var best nettopp å vere upresis i denne saka, av personvern-hensyn. Som det framgår av det forrige innleggjet mitt, so ser ein til dømes at der ingenstader er namn nemt! Dette var altso heilt bevisst frå mi side - generellt har eg nemleg eit god inntrykk av både vikjer og samningar.Og sidan eg syslar med tankar om å reise på bluesfestival i Finnabotn seinare i somar, ser eg det fordelaktig å ikkje leggje meg ut med fleire vikjer allereie no..! |
Kenneth Dahl
Seattle, Wa. USA |
11. juli 2004 kl. 21:04 |
Half of my family roots are from Vik. My father\´s parents, Ivar and Kari Liljedahl, raised 6 daughters in Vik. In 1892 they moved to Spjelkavik where my dad was born in 1900. |
16. juli 2004 kl. 20:31 |
jækli bra side!!!!!!! ![]() |
Pål Løland
Bergen |
17. juli 2004 kl. 22:30 |
hei alla ihopa ! ..har ikke vært på ski til topps av Grøndals-fjell på 3 uker nå !! ![]() i traktene i det siste ? e der fortsatt snø / nødv m ski for å komme til topps ? Odd Dolve - e du online ? ![]() |
Brigitte & Heinz
near Frankfurt/Main - Germany |
18. juli 2004 kl. 21:16 |
Hei Torstein, we visited Vangnes, Feios and Vik on 7.-9. July. This is such a pretty nice area, where we could really imagine to live there. You must be very lucky to call this area as your home! Being back home now, we found your website by searching for Norwegian webcams. We have to make you great compliments for your site. You must have spent endless hours to build this up with all the very detailed information and to keep it updated. We made this site to one of our favourits and we will probably check it daily. We will surely come back to Vik Kommune and may be we will meet. All the best Brigitte and Heinz |
Jan Tore Samlanes
Gullfaks |
24. juli 2004 kl. 14:41 |
Hei Torstein, Må berre seie eg er imponert over denne heimesida med fantastiske bilete frå Stølsheimen. Veldig bra! Ein kan jo drøyme seg langt vekk frå drillpipe og derrick med dette. helsing, ein harding i oljå. |
Pauline Carroll
Minnesota, USA |
24. juli 2004 kl. 20:12 |
Hi Torstein We met your mother during our visit to Vik in May of this year and she referred us to you for geneaology information. Unfortunately we didn\´t have time to look you up. We were happy to get your web site and find it very informative. If possible, I would like to get more information from you about my ancestors. I expect to pay you for your time. My great grand-father, John F. Johnson was born 24 June 1841 in Foli, Vik, Sognogfjord, Norway. He and his family emigrated to Racine Wisconsin in 1857. The story we hear is that he was a stowaway, having sneaked onto the vessel and hidden until 2 days into the journey. At that point he made himself known and became an unofficial member of the ship\´s crew in exchange for his passage. It is not known if he had bonafide ticketed friends or family also on the vessel who aided him in his pursuit of the new world. We saw a bydebooker at the Gjesthuse in Vanges. We also saw a bydebooker at a gentlemen\´s home in vik. This man took us to the farm he was sure was where our ancestors came from. The farm we saw has a newer looking home on it and they raise raspberries. We didn\´t get the name of the man on the farm. In one of these books we read how the grandparents of John Johnson took the entire family to America. Would you be so kind as to look into this for me? I would be happy to buy a bydebooker if you could find the correct one for me. Thank you so much for your time. My home address is: Pauline Carroll 4836 Rutledge Avenue Edina, MN. 55436 USA Telephone: 952-920-1304 E-Mail: [email protected] |